Latin American & Caribbean Days Conference Starts in Ljubljana

By , 21 May 2019, 10:10 AM Politics
Latin American & Caribbean Days Conference Starts in Ljubljana

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STA, 20 May 2019 - A conference dedicated to cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean kicked off in Ljubljana on Monday with calls for closer ties, not just in trade but also in areas such as science, education and culture.

"We share the commitment to active multilateralism, human rights, sustainable development, peaceful resolution of disputes and international law," Foreign Minister Miro Cerar said in his opening address.

He said these shared values needed to form the foundation of a transparent and predictable world order.

Cerar noted that EU foreign ministers last week adopted an action plan for the region that is based on four pillars: prosperity, which focuses on a green and circular economy, democracy, resilience, which is designed to strengthen economic, environmental and social resilience, and multilateralism.

The multi-day conference features officials as well as representatives of NGOs, scientists and researchers from the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean.

The opening day is dedicated to sustainable environmental policies and circular economy, the second major event, focusing on economic cooperation, will be held on Thursday.

Throughout the week, a workshop featuring experts will examine ways to strengthen cooperation in science and research.

More details of the events can be found here

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