
09 Jun 2018, 13:41 PM

STA, 9 June 2018 - Prime Minister Miro Cerar visited on Saturday the area of Črnomelj in south-eastern Slovenia, which was hit the hardest with Friday's hail storms, promising government help to the local communities as soon as possible. The first rough estimates by the local government put the damage at around EUR 3m. 

09 Jun 2018, 09:32 AM

Back in time on the coast. 

09 Jun 2018, 08:11 AM

STA, 8 June 2018 - Japan's Panasonic has accepted the takeover bid by Hisense Luxembourg Holding of the Chinese group Hisense and is to sell its entire 10.74% stake in Gorenje, the Slovenian household appliances maker announced in a press release on Friday. 

08 Jun 2018, 17:40 PM

Some writing tips from a man who’s published five books so far this year. 

08 Jun 2018, 17:30 PM

STA, 8 June 2018 - President Borut Pahor decorated on Friday the SILA International Women's Club Ljubljana for 25 years of exceptional humanitarian work. According to the president, the association had grown into a veritable superpower "as a symbol of commitment with which its members weave the bonds of friendship and connection between people and countries". 

08 Jun 2018, 14:25 PM

STA, 8 June 2018 - Slovenia's Ambassador to NATO Jelko Kacin has called for an increase in defence spending which he said Slovenia needs urgently and can also afford. He expects the new government to address the issue. 

08 Jun 2018, 11:47 AM

Good news on the economy. 

08 Jun 2018, 08:47 AM

STA, 7 June 2018 - Interior ministry officials from the countries along the Balkan migration route, from Greece to Austria, urged joint mechanisms to fight and control illegal migrations as they met in Sarajevo on Thursday. 

08 Jun 2018, 08:40 AM

Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Friday, 8 June 2018, as prepared by the STA

07 Jun 2018, 16:02 PM

Janče is known locally as the Triglav of the Ljubljana area. Although it may pale in comparison to the mighty mountain, at 792 metres high this small hilltop village is the highest point in the Zasavsko Hribovje mountain range that dominates the eastern horizon of Ljubljana, and offers unrivalled panoramic views into the Besnica valley and across the capital, as well as being the hub for two of the area’s great walking trails. 

07 Jun 2018, 11:36 AM

STA, 7 June 2018 - President Borut Pahor argues in an interview for Primorske novice, published before his post-election meeting today with the relative winner Janez Janša of the Democrats (SDS), that it would be more useful "and easier for everyone if the winner of the election is successful in his effort to form a government". 


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