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This summary is provided by the STA:
Stricter measures mulled as record daily number of new infections is recorded
LJUBLJANA - A total of 2,956 tests for the novel coronavirus were performed in Slovenia on Saturday, resulting in a record 411 new daily infections, while the share of new cases in the number of tests also reached a record 13.9%. A total of 158 persons are currently hospitals in Slovenia for Covid-19, which is also a new record. The 14-day incidence was up by 8.3% to 159 new cases per 100,000 residents, and Health Minister Tomaž Gantar said that "we are very close to the point where restrictions which improved the situation in the spring needed to be adopted". Government Covid-19 spokesperson Jelko Kacin added that a plan of measures had been. "We are in the orange phase, we are in for a third package of measures."
Slovenia's Covid-19 green list getting shorter
LJUBLJANA - The government has decided to tighten requirements for arrivals as many countries around Europe continue to post record daily increases in coronavirus numbers. As of 12 October, only four countries will remain on its green list, which means no quarantine is required. Only travellers from Australia, New Zealand, Serbia and Uruguay can enter without any health restrictions starting on Monday after all six European countries that have been on the green list so far have been moved to orange or red.
Janša condemns defacing of monument in Klagenfurt
LJUBLJANA - Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša has condemned the defacing of a monument in the courtyard of the government of the Austrian state of Carinthia in Klagenfurt during Saturday's ceremony to mark the 100th anniversary of the Carinthian plebiscite. Janša said on Twitter on Sunday that the defacing of the monument to Carinthian unity was detrimental to the Slovenian compatriots in Carinthia and Slovenia's reputation in the world. The Austrian authorities have launched investigation of the act, which has also been condemned by senior Austrian politicians, and the heads of all three umbrella organisations of the Slovenian minority in Carinthia.
Demographics office to be run by director, and not minister
LJUBLJANA - The government has decided that the emerging office for demographic affairs, a new specialised institution designed to address demographic challenges, will be run by a director who would answer to the government, and not a minister without portfolio from the ranks of the coalition Pensioners' Party (DeSUS). The changes will enter into force on 15 January 2021. The coalition agreement had originally stipulated that DeSUS would assume responsibility for running the office, but objections were made by New Slovenia (NSi) over a potential shift in the balance of power between the coalition partners.
Protest letter sent over police conduct at Friday's anti-govt rally
LJUBLJANA - A number of organisations, movements, initiatives and individuals have addressed a protest letter to acting Police Commissioner Andrej Jurič over the conduct of the police during Friday's anti-government protests. They believe that officers used excessive force without reason in several cases, and demand public apology and clarification. "Certain groups, whose members were standing in Republic Square, kept safety distance and wore masks, were picked as targets by the police without a warranted reason," the letter issued on Saturday says.
Waste production continued to increase in 2019
LJUBLJANA - The amount of municipal waste produced in Slovenia continued to increase last year, but the share of recycling waste also increased, statistics show. While people in Gorenjska did best in recycling and those in Koroška generated the least waste, those in Obalno-Kraška generated the most waste and did the least recycling. In total, 8.4 million tonnes of waste was collected in Slovenia last year, up 1% over the year before, of which nearly 1.1 million tonnes was communal waste.
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