What the Papers Say: Monday, January 22, 2018

By , 22 Jan 2018, 08:52 AM News
What the Papers Say: Monday, January 22, 2018 Pixabay - igorovsyannykov CC0

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The news on the front pages. 

The STA has prepared the following review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, 22 January:


Ski-Flying Worlds
"Slovenia to defend silver in Planica": Slovenia will defend silver at the Ski-Flying World Championship in Planica in two years having won the medal in Oberstdorf yesterday. (front page, pages 13, 19)

Palestine recognition
"Recognition of Palestine as early as February?": Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec has confirmed that Slovenia is ready to recognise Palestine as an independent country. (front page, page 4)

Taiwanese call centres racket
"China demands offenders": China has called on Slovenia to hand it over all "Taiwanese criminals" that were arrested in Thursday's raids against illegal call centres. (front page, page 2)

Delo poll
"Overwhelming public support for proposed minimum wage": As many as 80% of those questioned in the latest poll by Delo supported a 4.7% increase in the minimum wage as proposed by the labour minister. (front page, page 2)


Vox Populi poll
"Bothered by the loan, but faithful to Janša": Almost three out of four of those questioned in the Vox Populi poll commissioned by the paper find the loan hired by the opposition Democrats (SDS) from a Bosnian Serb woman contentious, including one in three SDS voters. (front page, page 2)

SDS finances
"Nova Obzorja gave SDS loan a month after being taken over by Hungarians": The company Nova Obzorja was sold to Hungarian Peter Schatz for EUR 630,000 a month before it approved an obviously illegal loan to the SDS in August. Even before that Hungarians invested EUR 800,000 in Nova24TV. (front page, page 3)

Ski-Flying Worlds
"Ski flights: Slovenia world's second best in team event": Slovenia placed second in the team event at the Ski-Flying World Championships in Oberstdorf yesterday. They were second only to Norway. (front page, page 17)


Pay rise
"Can the economy bear a 11% pay rise within three years": Economists expect salaries to be over 10% higher next year than they were in 2016. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Greenfield investment
"New investment and a hundred new jobs": The Slovenian subsidiary of Austria's Herz will invest EUR 4m in new premises and machinery to double production capacities and create 100 new jobs. (front page, page 5)

European VAT reform
"Farewell to VAT exemption for deliveries of up to 22 euro from China": Reform of the European VAT system means that micro and start-up companies selling services online in other EU countries will benefit from simpler invoicing rules; two years later VAT exemption for deliveries from China and the US of up to 22 euro will be scrapped. (front page, pages 6, 7)


Spade of the Year award
"We didn't fight for elites": The Spade of the Year award for the most apt statement went to Srečko Cehnar, a Territorial Defence commander. (front page, pages 2, 3)

"Placido Domingo has thrilled the audience and is coming back": The first ever concert by opera king Placido Domingo in Slovenia was a magnificent event. (front page, page 10)

Border policing
"More caught, higher the price": Police in Ljutomer are investing extreme efforts in protecting the border with the southern neighbour. (front page, page 8)

Infanticide attempt
"She left the newborn in the toilets": A woman gave birth to a baby in the bathroom of the safe driving centre in Vransko and then left it there. (front page, page 12)


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