Quote of the Year Award to Commander’s Attack on Elites

By , 21 Jan 2018, 10:29 AM News
Srečko Cehnar Srečko Cehnar Screenshot from YouTube

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“Fellow fighters ask me whether we fought for the right cause. We sure did for the homeland...but not for the elites.” 

January 21, 2018

A bitter remark about the profiteering elites that were not worth fighting a war for has won a Slovenian independence war commander the Spade of the Year award, given out by the newspaper Večer for the most apt statement, reports the STA January 21, 2018.

"Fellow fighters ask me whether we fought for the right cause. We sure did for the homeland, and if necessary we would again a hundred times. But not for the elites who have profiteered without moral scruples. Have they no shame?"

This comment by Srečko Cehnar, the commander of Territorial Defence units defending the Šentilj border crossing in 1991, struck a chord with most of Večer's readers, according to the result of the vote declared last night at an event broadcast live from Maribor.

Conferring the 19th annual Spade of the Year, Večer editor-in-chief Matija Stepišnik said that more than 25,000 readers cast their vote this year.

In his acceptance speech, Cehnar levelled further criticism at those in power: "In 1991 we were united in our decision for independence, but in recent years they've managed to disunite us again. Our country and society have sunk low."

Referring to the promise that Slovenia would become a second Switzerland, Cehnar said that "little is left" of that promise, which was because those responsible "misled their moral compass, because they care little about their homeland or their own nation".

Notable previous winners of the Spade of the Year include musician Vlado Kreslin, former Prime Minister Janez Janša, Cardinal Franc Rode, actor Polde Bibič and former Human Rights Ombudsman Matjaž Hanžek.

In recent years, the winning quotations were mostly from ordinary people and reflected the problems of the society. Last year the award went to Maribor doctor Husam Franjo Naji for his comment about people's fear that migrants will take away their jobs.


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