What the Papers Say: Tuesday, January 16, 2018

By , 16 Jan 2018, 08:24 AM News
 Wikimedia: Girl Reading a Newspaper by Wada Eisaku (Geidai Museum) Wikimedia: Girl Reading a Newspaper by Wada Eisaku (Geidai Museum)

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January 16, 2018

These are the headlines the STA picked for us this morning.


"Drama in Zagreb: Slovenians guinea pigs for video analysis": Slovenia tied Germany 25:25, in what was the first game at a European championship decided by video analysis, a major stumbling block due to unclear rules. (front page, 20)

Use of plastic bags
"Time to sort out the mess with the bags": Producers and users of plastic bags were supposed to start reporting sales figures as of this year as part of rules to reduce the use of plastic bags, but there are no reports available as yet. (front page, 3)

Urban renewal
"One part of Litostroj a model, the other shameful": One part of the giant plot that used to house industrial behemoth Litostroj has been redeveloped, but a portion thereof is still falling apart. (front page, 11)

Cankar fest
"Cankar at Cankar": A year-long festival dedicated to Ivan Cankar, Slovenia's most celebrated writer, has been launched at Cankarjev dom to mark the centennial of his death. (front page)


"After drama, Slovenia only ties Germany": Slovenia was a goal ahead of Germany just six seconds before the end of the game yesterday, but referees decided to award Germany a penalty shot after examining video evidence under new rules. (front page, 15)

Divača-Koper project

"Hungarians cannot be removed from project": Metod Dragonja, a director at special-purpose vehicle 2TDK, claims Slovenia would lose EU funds if Hungary were no longer included in the Divača-Koper project. In May, he was saying the opposite. (front page, 3)

Coastal development
"Material from second track could be used to build artificial island off Izola": One of the ideas for the development of the area of the recently closed coastal road between Izola and Koper is to use the material from the Divača-Koper project to build an artificial island off Izola. (front page, 11)


Minimum wage
"European minimum wage record holders": If the labour minister's proposal for a 4.7% increase of the minimum wage to EUR 843 gross is accepted, Slovenia will be the only country in Europe with a minimum wage exceeding half the average wage. (front page, 2, 3)

Bankruptcy statistics
"New record number of company bankruptcies, large decline of personal bankruptcies": Over 1,200 companies ended up in bankruptcy last year, an increase of 13%, whereas the number of personal bankruptcies declined by 46% to 2,374. (front page, 4, 5)

Tax administration strike
"FURS workers want payment of non-compete": Strike demands by public sector unions show they have completely lost it, the paper says. Tax Administration workers, for example, want a 20% rise on account of non-compete, plus an annual bonus of 1,000 euro. (front page, 6)


"New rule sweeps away victory": Slovenia ought to have won last night's fixture against Germany, but referees gave Germany a free throw after examining video evidence, over what Slovenia coach Veselin Vujović said was a rule that nobody knew existed. (front page, 23)

Hate crime
"Horrible messages": A bar in the centre of Maribor was ransacked Friday night and the walls sprayed with hate messages, with the owner and tenant now fearing for their lives. (front page, 11)

State funding
"Government reneges on promise": A retirement home had been promised EUR 2.5m state grant for renovation and expansion, but the government has now reneged on its promise. (front page, 9)


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