What the Papers Say: Monday, February 4, 2019

By , 04 Feb 2019, 08:00 AM News
What the Papers Say: Monday, February 4, 2019 JL Flanner

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Below is a review of the headlines in Slovenian dailies for Monday, February 4, 2019, as summarised by the STA:


"Where to expect new apartments": Many construction projects are under way, which is expected to slow down price growth on the real estate market. (front page, page 3)

Venezuela crisis
"Fighting spirit and optimism on streets of Venezuela": Masses of people took to the streets in Venezuela again to demand a change in power, convinced Nicolas Maduro's days are numbered. (front page, page 6)

Labour market
"Education not keeping up with businesses' demand": Business representatives are calling for a reform of the education system to better meet their needs. (front page, page 2)

"Reeds and apples in the sea and on the beach": Large amounts of reeds and hundreds of kilos of apples have been washed into the sea after heavy rains flooded the fields and orchards on the coast. (front page, page 4)


Venezuela crisis
"Waiting for army to cross over": The supporters of the self-declared interim Venezuelan president Guaido filled the streets of the eastern part of Caracas, while the supporters of Maduro, the almost unanimously rejected president, filled the western part of the capital. (front page, page 6, commentary 14)

"Heavy rains cause disruption in Ilirska Bistrica area in particular": According to the Environmental Agency, the west of Slovenia received more than 300 litres of precipitation per square metre this weekend. (front page, page 7)

Road construction
"Many oppose Škofja Loka bypass": While the Infrastructure Ministry is dividing up the land for the construction of a narrowed down Škofja Loka bypass, a civil initiative is raising its voice against the project. (front page, page 9)


Holiday allowance
"Higher holiday allowance coming, but not for everyone": Holiday allowance up to the average pay will be alleviated of social security contributions, but few will benefit. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Tax legislation reform
"What tax tweaks are being planned by Andrej Bertoncelj": The finance minister is planning a series of tax legislation changes, from those affecting personal income tax to corporate income tax and real estate tax. (front page, page 3)

Healthcare procurement
"How a EUR 24m tender failed due to network disturbances": UKC Maribor hospital is shocked that the national audit commission annulled their public call for medical supplies because one of the 76 bidders was prevented by network disturbances to submit its bid. (front page, page 5)


Motorway stickers
"Got a vignette?": The paper has joined motorway company inspectors as they checked on motorists on the Štajersko motorway whether they have put new motorway stickers on their cars. (front page, page 3)

In wake of Polish meat scandal
"Time to talk about meat": The price is the main reason for importing meat. However, cheap meat is of inferior quality and due to the public procurement system most of it ends up in public institutions. (front page, pages 2, 3)

Alpine World Ski Championships
"Express-way to Aare": Only two hours after the Golden Fox slalom event in Maribor, Slovenia's best alpine skier, Ilka Štuhec, flew out to Aare for the World Championships aboard a private jet. (front page, pages 4, 16-18)

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