What the Papers Say: Monday, 12 November 2018

By , 12 Nov 2018, 07:45 AM News
What the Papers Say: Monday, 12 November 2018 Flickr - ZioDave CC by 2.0

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Below is a review of today’s news in Slovenia, summarised by the headlines in the daily newspapers for Monday, 12 November 2018, as prepared by the STA:


100th anniversary of WWI armistice
"For openness, Europe, multilateralism": The ceremony for the 100th anniversary of the end of WWI was joined by the first forum on peace in Parc de la Villette in Paris, hosted by French President Emanuel Macron and attended by more than 70 heads of state or government from all around the world. (front page, 3)

Army equipment
"Slovenian soldiers had cold feet again": Slovenian soldiers who took part in the NATO exercise in Norway were reportedly again without quality equipment, with Defence Minister Karl Erjavec ordering an investigation into these allegations.(front page, 3)

California fires
"California in flames": At least 25 people were killed in the fires that are raging in California, and more than 300,000 people had to leave their homes. (front page)


Population ageing
"Šarec's government does not think pension reform is a necessity": Despite the worrying demographic trends and projections, the government of Marjan Šarec thinks that pension reform in the current four-year term is not necessary. (front page, 2)

Local elections
"Smole should not be afraid for his mayor seat in Medvode": A survey carried out by Dnevnik shows that neither of the three challengers to the current Medvode Mayor Nejc Smole represents much of a competition. Smole is expected to win in the first round. (front page, 9)

100th anniversary of WWI armistice
"World leaders mark 100th anniversary of the end of First World War": Many world leaders, including the presidents of the United States and Russia, attended the ceremony marking the 100th anniversary of the end of First World War on the weekend. (front page, 9)


"Are days numbered for tax optimisation?": New rules are being introduced under which even tax advisers will have to report on cross-border transactions which could be carried out for tax optimisation purposes. (front page, 4)

NLB privatisation
"What can you expect from the listing": The paper wonders what stock exchange debut for NLB on Wednesday will look like after the state has sold 59.1% of the bank in an IPO at EUR 51.5 per share, the bottom of the offering price range. (front page, 2-3)

Real estate
"BAMC selling large part of residential project near the mosque": The Bank Asset Management Company (BAMC), the state-owned bad bank, has started collecting bids for 39 plots of land between Parmova Street and the emerging mosque in Ljubljana, measuring 13,151 sq metres and valued at EUR 2.6m. (front page, 4-5)


Local elections
"Who is going to the second round": A second round of the mayoral elections in Maribor is likely because of the multitude of candidates (18), with the latest poll suggesting that Franc Kangler and Saša Aresnovič will face off in the second round. (front page, 2-3)

"Food supplements are good business": Producers of food supplements are making huge profit on the back of the naivety of consumers. (front page, 4)

St. Martin's Day celebrations
"A rowdy Martin": It was lively and rowdy as the people of Maribor celebrated St. Martin's Day over the weekend in Leon Štukelj Square, with the partying continuing today. (front page, 8-9)


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