"Goodbye single-use plastics": The European Parliament has passed a directive that will ban single-use plastics to reduce its impact on the environment. Under the new directive, plastic straws, cotton buds and several other single-use items will be banned from 2021 on, and 90% of plastic bottles will have to be recycled by 2025. (front page, 2)
Finance Ministry
"LMŠ extending influence over key portfolio": Former Finance Minister Mateja Vraničar Erman will be replaced as a state secretary at the ministry only 40 days after the formation of the new government. Unofficially, she is incompatible with Andrej Bertoncelj, the new finance minister. (front page, 3)
"Until his last breath": Writer, translator and academic Alojz Rebula, one of the leading authors of the Slovenian ethnic community in Italy, died, aged 94. He wrote until his very last breath, having dictated to his daughter his last column for the Catholic weekly Družina only three days before he died. (front page, 10)
Business awards
"The best fastest-growing company: the 2018 Golden Gazelle is Mebor from Gorenjska": The wood-processing machinery maker Mebor from Železniki won the newspaper publisher Dnevnik's award for the fastest growing company of 2018. (front page, 2, 3)
Janez Janša Trial
"SDS juror did not know she would try Janez Janša": Ilka Plevnik, a member of the Democratic Party (SDS), said she did not know she was to try SDS leader Janez Janša as she took the job of a juror on the three-strong judging panel. Had she known, she would have withdrawn herself. (front page, 4)
"Euro-dollar alarm: 7 things disrupting companies' and market's sentiment": The US dollar has been gaining on euro, with experts saying that all the tensions in global trade have started showing consequences in the real economy. (front page, 4, 5)
Tax evasion
"Analysis of accounts from abroad: Who are conscious tax evaders and who has just forgotten": The Financial Administration has imposed EUR 3.6m in additional tax in 1,400 cases in the first automatic exchange of data about banking accounts in other countries. (front page, 8)
"Why is diesel all of a sudden dearer than regular?": The paper explains why the price of diesel has overtaken the price of regular petrol as of this week. It is a rare occurrence in Slovenia, but it has happened before, in 2008. (front page, 2, 3)
Local elections
"Who will be the first in the city?": The newspaper held the first debate of Maribor's mayoral hopefuls yesterday, hosting eight of the 18 candidates, including former Mayor Franc Kangler, incumbent Andrej Fištravec and businessman Saša Arsenovič. (front page, 8)
"Parents have had it": Parents of children in Maribor's primary schools have started joining forces to demand from the city to allocate more money for school buildings. (front page, 2, 10, 11)
Local elections
"Does it pay-off to be mayor?": The paper runs a feature about the financial benefits of being a mayor in Slovenia, noting that their gross salaries range from EUR 1,485 to EUR 4,283, while 62 of the 212 incumbents are not employed as mayors, but do the mayoral job as non-professionals. (front page, 4, 5)