The fire broke out in the wooden loft, spreading quickly to the roof, firefighter Jure Dolinar, who was in charge of the assignment, told the press.
The fire was being put out by 75 firefighters with 14 fire engines. Dolinar said the firefighters had a difficult job because the building was too high to use the ladder.
Požar v Hotelu UnionV Ljubljani je zagorelo v Hotelu Union. Iz objekta se je valil svetel dim. Posredujejo gasilci, ki so na območje v strogem mestnem središču, kjer je peš cona, napotili več gasilskih vozil. Po prvih podatkih naj bi zagorelo v strojnici objekta, del objekta bo izpraznjen.
Posted by Slovenska tiskovna agencija STA on Tuesday, 3 July 2018
Moreover, the metal roof is smooth and slippery and the only way to fight the fire was from the inside of the building and by using rope, he added.
The cause of the fire has not yet been established and the criminal police have already launched an investigation.
First estimates put the damage at EUR 40,000, the Ljubljana Police Department said.
The part of the hotel affected by the fire was closed, and the part of Miklošičeva Street around the hotel was also closed to traffic.
The police, which was notified of the fire at around 8.45 AM, said buildings in the vicinity of Hotel Union were not at risk of catching fire.