March 14, 2018
The animated film The Box (Celica) by Dušan Kastelic, Slovenia, won the animated short movie category at the Cinequest film festival in San Jose, which concluded on March 11, 2018. The award automatically qualifies the film as one of the contenders for the 2019 Oscar nominations, regardless of whether or not it goes into regular distribution.
Dušan Kastelic was born in 1964 in the mining town of Trbovlje, also the forming ground of the Slovenian post-punk band Laibach. Kastelic has already won several awards for his work as an illustrator and comic book artist while publishing mostly for Mladina weekly magazine. He is best known for his 2008 animated movie Čikorija an’ kafe (Chicory ‘n’ coffee), based on the song by Iztok Mlakar.
His 12 minute short film The Box (Celica), co-financed by Slovenian Film Centre and national broadcaster RTV Slovenia, has already won a Vesna award for best animated movie at the Festival of Slovenian film in Portorož in September last year.
The Box TRAILER from Dusan Kastelic on Vimeo.