Slovenia & Coronavirus, Sun 8/11: Positivity Rate Falling, Situation Seen as Improving

By , 08 Nov 2020, 14:09 PM Lifestyle
Slovenia & Coronavirus, Sun 8/11: Positivity Rate Falling, Situation Seen as Improving

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STA, 8 November 2020 - As many as 889 new Covid-19 infections were recorded on Saturday from a total of 3,918 tests, meaning the share of infections in relation to tests dropped by over three percentage points to roughly 22.7% compared to Friday, the government's coronavirus spokesperson Jelko Kacin said on Twitter on Sunday.

The two-week average of infections per 100,000 residents was 1,058 on Saturday, down from 1,096 the day before.

Covid-related deaths have meanwhile risen by 23 to 554 today compared to yesterday, according to the tracker site.

The number of Covid-19 patients in intensive care dropped by two to 176 compared to Friday, putting the number of hospitalised patients at 1,125, up from 1,084 on Friday.

Kacin said the number of patients in intensive care dropped despite the number of those discharged on Saturday - 42 - was more than half lower than on Friday - 93.

Although there were fewer tests carried out on Saturday, which is typical of weekends, he said the trend showed that "the measures are working".

He added that the epidemiological situation was also gradually improving in Gorenjska, the northwestern-region, hit hardest in the autumn wave of the epidemic.

There are currently slightly 22,167 active infections in Slovenia, below the Friday figure of 22,979.

Slightly over 45,000 infections have been recorded in Slovenia since the first case was confirmed on 4 March during the first wave of the epidemic.

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