STA, 6 August 2020 - One in two 29-year-old Slovenians was living with their parents in 2018, whereas in 1991, the year Slovenia gained independence, only 20% of youths had such live-at-home arrangements. In 2018, most young people worked as service or sales workers, with some 80% of those aged 29 having a job.
At the beginning of 2020, there were some 310,000 youths in Slovenia, aged between 15 and 29, which compares to 430,000 in 1991, show the Statistics Office data released prior to International Youth Day, observed on 12 August.
According to recent projections, the number of youths will drop to the lowest level after 2080, when the figure is projected to stand at roughly 280,000. The downward trend will thus soften compared to the decrease seen among young population since independence.
When it comes to young people in Slovenia and their professions, two factors stood out in 2018: they seemed to be less interested in farming - the number of young farmers was down by 31% on the average, and a relatively small share of youths were managers or occupied top positions in the public administration compared to the average across all professions.
Out of the generation which was aged 22 in 2011, more than 90% remained in Slovenia seven years later. More than half of those who had emigrated were students in 2011. Most of the emigrants, aged 22 in 2011, live in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Bosnia-Herzegovina now.
Taking a look at the financial position of those aged 29 in 2018, the data shows that the median annual gross income for those employed that year was near EUR 16,150, for the unemployed EUR 6,400, for students EUR 5,200 and for other inactive persons EUR 5,800.
The median annual gross income of 29-year-olds, including taxable and non-taxable income, in 2018 was EUR 14,800, which compares to EUR 15,700 for 34-year-olds. The median gross income for the 24-year-olds was meanwhile EUR 9,200. Fewer than half of those aged 24 in 2018 were employed.
29-year-old Slovenians with tertiary education exceeded the average income of those with secondary education by almost 30% in 2018.
International Youth Day was declared by the UN in 1999 to raise awareness about youth issues and stress the role young people have in society. The theme of 2020 International Youth Day focuses on the ways the young engage at local, national and global levels to contribute to institutional politics.