Slovenia Now Has More COVID-19 Cases Per 1m People than China (So Be Smart)

By , 13 Mar 2020, 16:40 PM Lifestyle
Data from official sources, collected by Data from official sources, collected by JL Flanner

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Using the latest available figures (as of early afternoon, 13 March), Slovenia has 141 confirmed cases of COVID-19, with most being in Ljubljana. China still has the record, with 80,815, and Italy’s in second place with 15,113. But what do those numbers mean when taking into account the respective population sizes, and how does Slovenia compare globally?

To answer this we turned to the data collected and organised by’s dedicated coronavirus page, a site run by “an international team of developers, researchers, and volunteers with the goal of making world statistics available in a thought-provoking and time relevant format to a wide audience around the world”, and what seems to be a legitimate operation with up to date information. It’s here, after scrolling down to the data table, that we can see the number of confirmed cases per 1 million people, and find that Slovenia currently ranks 11th in world, with 67.8, between Sweden (74.4) and China (56.1).

slovenia covid-19 coronavirus per million people.JPG

The number of confirmed cases per 1 million people

However, Slovenia also ranks high in testing, having carried out a total of 4,346 tests for the virus at the time of writing, or around 2,170 per million residents. This compares with a total of 13,953 tests in the United States, or just 42.6 tes­­­­ts per million residents.

Related: How many hospital beds are there in Slovenia?

You can find all our stories on coronavirus and Slovenia here

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