Elementary and high school students from half of the country began their winter vacation week this Monday, while the other half will have to wait their turn till February 24.
Winter vacations in Slovenia last one week and only take place for half the population at the time, allowing for some distribution of pressure on tourist capacities, especially those of the ski resorts.
Regions that are on vacation this week are Gorenjska (Upper Carniola), Goriška (Gorica area), Notranjsko-kraška (Inner Carniola and Karst), Osrednjeslovenska (Central Slovenia) and Zasavska (Central Sava Valley).
Regions that will take next week off are the South-east Slovenia, Koroška (Carinthia), Podravska (Drava River region), Pomurska (Mura River region), Savinjska (Savinja River region) and Posavska (Lower Sava Valley).