Go East! LGBT + Literature in Eastern Europe, in English & Open to All, October 25 & 26

By , 19 Oct 2018, 20:40 PM Lifestyle

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The Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, and ŠKUC are co-hosting an international conference on LGBTQ+ literature in Eastern Europe on 25 and 26 October 2018, which will examine, among other issues, the following questions:

Why is Eastern Europe (perceived as) less accepting of sexual and gender non-normativity? Has it always been like that? How have LGBTQ+ literary production and scholarship developed in Eastern Europe? Has there been a pink curtain separating the supposedly liberal West from the less than welcoming East? And how does all that show in literature?

The conference will focus on LGBTQ+ literature from Eastern Europe, both contemporary and past, examining a wide range of theoretical, cultural, historical and other topics, aiming to shift the centre of such discussions a little further east.

Everybody is welcome to participate in the events, which are free and open to all, and will take place at the Faculty of Arts (Filozofska fakulteta). Both days there are also after-conference events, on Thursday at Pritljiče and Friday Klub Tiffany, while on Saturday there’s an LGBT tour of the city.

The full programme is as follows, with a map at the end, and the related Facebook page is here, while a PDF with the programme and all the related abtracts can be found here.


Venue: Modra soba / Blue Room (5th Floor), Filozofska fakulteta / Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva cesta 2, Ljubljana

10.45–11.00: Opening

11.00–11.45: Keynote Speech (Prof Gregory Woods)

12.00–13.15: Panel 1 (4 × 15 min. + 15 min. debate)

Vitaly Chernetsky

In Search of Territories of Freedom: Ivan Kozlenko’s Tanzher and the Queer Challenge to the Ukrainian Canon

Tamta Melashvili

Queering Modern Georgian Literature

Gábor Csiszár

Wartime Memories from East and West: The construction of George Faludy’s Gayness

 Izabela Morska

Modesty at Work: Zygmunt Mycielski in Warsaw

Lunch break

14.30–15.45: Panel 2 (4 × 15 min. + 15 min. debate)

Miha Javornik

Голубая Literature and Russian Holiness

Slaven Crnić

The Whisper and the Cry: Queer Masculinities in Ivo Andrić’s The Days of the Consuls and Omer Pasha Latas

 Denis Ferhatović

Jozef Pronek’s Underwear: Displacement, Queer Desire, and Eastern European Masculinity in Aleksandar Hemon’s Nowhere Man

 Błażej Warkocki and Przemysław Górecki

Eastern Boys and Western Lovers: Polish Gay Literature in the Context of the East/West Distinction

16.00–17.00: Panel 3 (3 × 15 min. + 15 min. debate)

Alenka Koron and Matteo Colombi

Queer Emotions? The Narrative Shape of Feelings in Noben glas by Suzana Tratnik and Eskorta by Michal Hvorecký

Roberto Dapit

Friulian Love Poetry and Its Reception in the Slovenian Cultural Environment

Andrej Zavrl

Boys and Critics: The Reception of the First Slovenian Homoerotic Novel as a Reflection of Sociocultural Changes

Conference Xtra

19.00: LGBTQ+ reading by Slovenian LGBTQ+ writers and conference participants (very welcome to join in) at Pritličje, Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana 1000 


Venue: Modra soba / Blue Room (5th Floor), Filozofska fakulteta / Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva cesta 2, Ljubljana

10.00–11.15: Panel 4 (4 × 15 min. + 15 min. debate)

Alojzija Zupan Sosič

Contemporary Slovene LGBTQ Narrative

Nina Dragičević

Sappho Was Not a Poet: The Sonorous Character of Poetry and Its Emancipatory Potential

Nataša Velikonja

Lesbian Poetry Tradition

Vesna Liponik

The Subversive Construction of Gender in the Poetry of Kristina Hočevar

11.30–12.45: Panel 5 (4 × 15 min. + 15 min. debate)

Kevin Moss

Camp Kharitonov and Russian Gay Identity

Tatiana Klepikova

“If a Cutie, Then Always Misha”: Evgenii Kharitonov’s Queer Masculinities

Maruša Maligoj

Reconceptualising the Russian LGBTQ+ Community: The Impact of Russia’s “Gay Propaganda” Laws on LGBTQ+ Discourse

Andrea Trovesi

Bulgarian Heretics, Warm Brothers and Blue Lovers. A Historical and Etymological Overview of Words And Expressions Used in The Languages of Eastern Europe (Mainly Slavic) to Refer to Male Homosexuals

Lunch break

14.00–15.15: Panel 6 (4 × 15 min. + 15 min. debate)

Kinga Paszko

The Depiction of Gay Identity in Michał Witkowski’s Prose

Jelena Jović

(Post)Communist Queer Identities in Uroš Filipović’s Glasshouse and Michał Witkowski’s Lovetown

Eszter Timár

Queer Closeting: The Affective Politics of Gábor Thurzó’s Days and Nights

Milena Mileva Blažić

Comparative Analysis of Children’s Literature – Dečki (Boys) and Fantje iz gline (Clay Boys)

15.30–16.30: Panel 7 (3 × 15 min. + 15 min. debate)

Maja Šučur

Criticism in the Closet

Suzana Tratnik

Passion for Analysis

Jasna Jasna Žmak

The Apparitional Gay & the Invisible Everyone Else – LGBTQ Identities in Contemporary Croatian Playwriting

Conference Xtra

21.00: Cabaret performance and party at LGBTQ+ Klub Tiffany, Metelkova mesto


11.00: LGBTQ+ Walking Tour of Ljubljana

Meeting point: Stari trg 34 (by the Hercules fountain in the Old Town)


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