Only 1 Customer Every 10m2 in Stores from Thursday, 23/12

By , 22 Dec 2021, 21:40 PM Business
FFS FFS Nickolay Romensky CC-by-2.0

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STA, 22 December 2021 - In the wake of Omicron concerns the government has decided to impose a density limit in shops by allowing entry to one customer per every ten square metres of available floor space. The rule will be effective from Thursday.

Under the decision, made on Wednesday, shops are also required to put up a sign at their entrance informing customers of the maximum density limit, said the Government Communication Office (UKOM).

The ten square metre rule is in line with recommendations given by the Health Ministry's Covid advisory group to step up preventive measures in light of the expected rapid spread of the Omicron variant and Slovenia's low vaccination rate, UKOM added.


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