Government Programme to Offer Firms 11,000 EUR to Employ an Older Worker Full Time

By , 27 Mar 2018, 11:48 AM Business
Government Programme to Offer Firms 11,000 EUR to Employ an Older Worker Full Time

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14 Million EUR is available, most from the European Social Fund. 

STA, March 27, 2018 – As part of a special programme to promote the employment of older workers, the government has made 14 million euro available to employers, of which 11.2 million will come from the European Social Fund.

The programme Encouraging Employment of the Elderly - Active until Retirement aims to encourage employers to hire unemployed older workers on a permanent contract, according to the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy.

It is thus expected to improve their access to the labour market, reducing their unemployment and encouraging them to look for a job.

A call for employers to apply for subsidies will be published by the national Employment Service.

To be eligible for an 11,000-euro grant, the employer will have to hire workers for a full 40-hour working week on a permanent contract or at least until they meet retirement criteria.


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