Business Lockdown Tightening Again, 24 Dec to 4 Jan, Curfew Remains Over Holidays

By , 21 Dec 2020, 21:49 PM Business
Business Lockdown Tightening Again, 24 Dec to 4 Jan, Curfew Remains Over Holidays pxhere Gianni Brocato CC-by-0

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STA, 21 December 2020 - The government adopted a decree at Monday's correspondence session that again tightens restrictions for the sale of goods and services as of Thursday. The decree that restores the regime that was recently relaxed will be in force until 4 January.

Being permitted to stay open are shops which mainly sell food, personal care and cleaning items, pharmacies, medical and orthopaedic equipment shops, farming shops, petrol stations, financial services, post offices and delivery services.

According to a press release from the government, also belonging to the exceptions are individual non-medical counselling and therapeutic services, personal pick-up of goods or food except alcoholic beverages at pick-up points.

This applies for the period between 6am and 9pm, while it is not permitted to eat food and drink beverages in public places. Other essential services for ensuring safety and health are also permitted.

The ban on the sale of pyrotechnics is still in force.

Shops that are allowed to be open must provide at least 30 square metres per customer and all anti-epidemic recommendations must be followed.

The expected reduction in the number of exceptions comes after the government had relaxed the lockdown of businesses for the period between 15 and 23 December.

In this period, hairdressing salons, flower shops, car washes and cleaning facilities are allowed to operate. In certain regions, residents are able to cross municipal borders if they have an installed and active contact tracing app.

Government spokesman Jelko Kacin said today that travel between municipalities would be allowed on Christmas Day and also for the New Year's.

Under the latest government decree, the municipal and regional travel ban will not be in force from noon on 24 December to 8pm on 25 December, and from noon on 31 December to 8pm on 1 January.

The 9pm-6am curfew remains in force, also over the holidays, and gatherings in public spaces will not be allowed. Private meetings of up to six adults from up to two households, including their children, are allowed.

Events, rallies, parties, weddings and gatherings remain prohibited. The decree enters into force on 24 December and will be in force up to and including 4 January, the government said.


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