Which Services Are Seeing More, Less Business in Slovenia’s Second Wave?

By , 14 Nov 2020, 09:43 AM Business
Which Services Are Seeing More, Less Business in Slovenia’s Second Wave? YouTube

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STA, 13 November 2020 - Providers of practically all services have been affected by restrictive measures in the second wave of the epidemic just as they were in the first one in spring. They are expected to be affected equally or even more than in the spring, according to a website which brings together those who seek and provide services.

A steep rise in demand for all kinds of services was recorded in the spring after the lockdown was eased and eventually lifted, says omisli.si.

This was followed by a drop in demand during the holiday season, while the second wave of epidemic resulted in another drop.

Data analysed by omisli.si shows that construction and renovation services picked up better after the first wave than services related to weddings.

A drop in interest in business services was by 5% smaller in October than March, while providers of personal services record the same drop like in spring.

While the drop in services regarding weddings was by 8% bigger in October than in March, the figure for construction and renovation services was only 6%.

The most affected segment of weddings services in the second wave is the hiring of wedding venues (-76%), catering (-63%), wine (-50%) and photos (-41%).

The first and second waves have had approximately the same impact on business services.

Compared with the first wave, business services providers witnessed a drop of 88% for text writing in October, video production suffered a drop of 66% and tax counselling that of 49%.

A rise in demand was meanwhile recorded by providers of activities for children (+60%) and divorce legal counselling (+67%).

The greatest fall in demand was meanwhile recorded in coach hire (-88%), caravan hire (-82%) and venue hire (-74%) as well as in dentists and personal trainers (-65%).

Car repair and car paint shops meanwhile witnessed a great interest in October, given that they were one of the exceptions to lockdown.

Interest in driving schools last month soared by 900%, while demand for child daycare and pet daycare doubled.


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