Tax Office Finds More than 1,000 Did Not Declare Holiday Rental Income

By , 06 Feb 2018, 12:33 PM Business
Tax Office Finds More than 1,000 Did Not Declare Holiday Rental Income Pixabay: Sephelonor CC0

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Those breaking tax evasion rules face fines of between 400 and 30,000 euros, plus back taxes. 

STA, February 6, 2018 - Slovenia's Financial Administration (FURS) has discovered 1,056 taxable persons who have failed to declare EUR 1.68m worth of revenue from holiday rentals of private properties over the past few months, while a further 74 persons have registered past undeclared revenue to the tune of EUR 660,000.

FURS announced its plans to clamp down on undeclared vacation rentals in early December, calling on taxable persons to report their revenue to avoid fines.

In response, 374 landlords registered anew by the end of January, FURS said on Tuesday. Of these 257 registered their business as of the present moment on, 216 of them individuals and 41 legal entities.

155 individuals registered having rented out their properties in the past, including 38 who registered past and future business.

The 74 individuals who newly registered rental activity by the end of January 2018 submitted 119 tax returns, declaring EUR 660,263 in revenue.

The revenue was generated through different periods between 2012 and 2017. The highest amount declared by a single person was almost EUR 80,000.

FURS plans to continue to keep a close eye on this part of business, warning that those who are found out flouting tax evasion rules face fines of between 400 and 30,000 euro plus back tax.


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