STA, 23 January 2020 - Slovenia is slowly falling behind in the global race for talent. It ranks 31st in the latest Global Talent Competitiveness Index (GTCI), down two spots from the year before. When the index was first introduced in 2013, it placed 25th.
The survey, by INSEAD business school, temping agency Adecco and Google, ranks countries by their ability to enable, attract, grow and retain talent. It also looks at vocational skills and global knowledge skills.
Slovenia's best marks were for vocational and knowledge skills and for its ability to retain talent, categories in which it places 27th among 125 countries. But its ability to attract talent is lacklustre, earning it 47th place in this category.
Switzerland remains at the top of the rankings, followed by the US, Singapore, Sweden and Denmark.
Among Slovenia's neighbouring countries, only Austria ranks higher, at 17th.
The study also ranks 155 cities by their attractiveness to talent. New York, London and Singapore are at the top, with Ljubljana at 79th, between the Chinese powerhouse Shenzen and the Qatari capital Doha.
You see more about the index here