Value of Construction Works Rose 29% in 2018

By , 28 Jul 2019, 15:27 PM Business
Value of Construction Works Rose 29% in 2018

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STA, 27 July 2019 - The value of construction works in Slovenia carried out last year amounted to EUR 2.57 billion, which is 29% more than in the year before, the Statistics Office has reported. It was the second time in a row that the value increased on the annual basis, and it was also 1% above the amount from 2010.

The works that construction companies carried out on buildings last year are valued at EUR 1.35 billion, which is 35% more than in 2017.

The value of works on engineering structures was meanwhile up by 23% to EUR 1.22 billion, show the final data from the Statistics Office.

The growth in value was the most prominent in non-residential buildings, being up by 38% to EUR 906 million.

The value of works on residential and non-residential buildings combined was up by 35% compared to 2017. It was up by 28% for the former and by 38% for the latter.

When it comes to non-residential buildings, the value of construction works was up the most in the industrial and warehouse buildings segment (up by 59% to EUR 318 million).

This segment was followed by office and administrative buildings, and by commercial and service buildings, up by 42% to EUR 165 million and by 23% to EUR 160 million, respectively.

The value of works on transport infrastructure was up by 38% to EUR 770 million.

The value was meanwhile down for works on pipelines, communication networks and electricity transmission networks (-0.3% to EUR 333 million) and for works on industrial complexed (-9% to EUR 46 million).


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