Newspaper Claims Programmers Prefer SPs to Permanent Contracts

By , 18 Jun 2018, 11:29 AM Business
Newspaper Claims Programmers Prefer SPs to Permanent Contracts Wikimedia - Joonspoon CC by 4.0 Programmer

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STA, 18 June 2018 - The business daily Finance expresses disagreement in Monday's editorial with regard to the inspections announced by the Financial Administration at IT companies, which are believed to be employing large numbers of workers as sole proprietors instead of signing regular labour contracts. 

The paper suggests that what is a widespread form of exploitation in other sectors is in fact happening in the IT sector at the insistence of the programmers.

The inspectors will try to tell the "sole proprietors" that "we are here to protect you", but they do not want to be protected. The Financial Administration has picked the wrong target, Finance says in the commentary entitled Programmers Need Carrot Not Stick.

The solution does not lie in the prosecution of young, talented and productive people who chose a form of "employment" that allowed them to get state support only a few years ago and that was or still is also practised in a number of state-owned companies.

The solution lies in making regular employment attractive enough to prevent workers from looking for bypasses, the paper asserts.


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