First Estimates Suggest Significant Drought Damage to Crops

By , 03 Aug 2022, 11:03 AM Business
First Estimates Suggest Significant Drought Damage to Crops YouTube

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STA, 2 August 2022 - While virtually entire Slovenia is in the midst of a severe drought, first estimates indicate the damage to crops will be extensive. Prime Minister Robert Golob noted that drought will likely continue and the damage will continue to grow. While parts of the country have seen some rain in the past days, the coming days will be hot and dry.

Maize and grasses have been hit the worst so far, with the fallout expected to be at 50%, according to data the Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry forwarded to the Agriculture Ministry.

Agriculture Ministry State Secretary Tatjana Buzeti told the STA that maize crops will be down by between 40% and 50%. In areas with sandy soil the fallout might be as high as 100%, according to initial estimates.

There will be 50% less grass on average, and in some areas as much as 90%, the estimates show.

The drop in corn and grass will be particularly problematic for livestock farmers because some of them are already facing shortage of animal feed.

The yield in pumpkins and potatoes will be 30% to 50% lower, while hops will be down by 40%. Produce will be hit by at least 40%. The yield of some fruits and vegetables will be lower by as much as 80-100%, Buzeti warned.

"The effects of drought can even be seen in vines, which are rather hardy, and we can expect the yield to be lower by 50%."

The ministry estimates that the damage has not yet reached the EUR 65.3 million damage caused by drought in 2017. But it is near the 0.03% of budget revenue, which warrants state aid. Buzeti believes final data collection will begin in September. Damages will not be paid out before next year.


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