Villa Goldenhorn, Lake Bled

By , 31 Oct 2021, 13:09 PM Photo of the Month
Villa Goldenhorn, Lake Bled Villa Goldenhorn, Lake Bled © Stuart Ensor

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We try and avoid pictures of Lake Bled in this series, as there are far too many online and there’s much more to see in the country.

However, we’re always happy to share new angles on old favourites, and so this week’s photo shows a scene from Bled that doesn’t include the castle, island or church. Instead this image shows Villa Goldenhorn (Vila Zlatorog), a place that was built in 1896 for Alfred Muhr, a German merchant. These days the building is owned by is the General Secretariat of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, and operated by JGZ Brdo. It’s used for state protocol services, but is also open for private events, with more details (in Slovene) here

This beautiful photo comes from the eye and lens of Stuart Ensor, a freelance cameraman, editor and producer, whose varied portfolio can be enjoyed via Instagram or on his professional website. We hope it inspires you to get out and enjoy the autumn in all its colours, and to look for new views on old subjects.

That said, if you want to take a picture of that famous bench overlooking Lake Bled, as shown below, then you can learn how to do that here.

Lake bled bench google image search.png

Montage: Google image search


Photo of the Month

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