Poletje je eno veliko doživetje
Summer is one great experience
Written by Kaja Petrovčič Štempelj, a 6th grade student OŠ Vič, Ljubljana, and translated by JL Flanner
Zelo sem se veselila poletnih počitnic, ki so se letos začele že dva dni prej.
I’m very happy with the summer holidays, which this year started two days earlier than usual.
V šolskem letu je veliko počitnic, ampak te so nekaj posebnega,saj trajajo kar deset tednov.
There are a lot of holidays in the school year, but these are special, as they last for ten weeks.
Verjamem, da si vsak že vsaj en mesec prej naredi načrt, kako jih bo preživel.
I believe that everyone has been making plans for the last month as to how they will spend the time.
Nekateri so za kolesarjenje, nekateri za potovanje, nekateri za počitek ob morju, in nekateri čas zapravljajo z ležanjem na kavču in gledanjem televizije.
Some want to use it for cycling, some for a trip, some for relaxing by the sea, and some spend the time lying on the couch and watching television.
Moje počitnice so pestre. Po koncu šole smo najprej šli v vodni zabaviščni park Istralandija, ki je na Hrvaškem. Tam imajo super vodne tobogane in bazene. Komaj sem čakala! Potem sva se z mlajšim bratom Timom za 10 dni odpravila na taborniški izlet k reki Kolpi. Najprej smo imeli daljši tridnevni pohod, nato pa smo se kopali v reki in opravljali taborniške veščine. Imeli smo tudi poligon preživetja in druge zabavne stvari.
My holidays are varied. At the end of school we first went to the water park Istralandija, which is in Croatia. There are super water slides and pools there. I could hardly wait! Then, with my younger brother Tim, we went on a camping trip to the Kolpa River for 10 days. First, we had a long three-day hike, then we bathed in the river and practiced our camping skills. We also did a survival course and some other fun things.
Ker naša družina rada potuje, se letos odpravljamo v Grčijo na sončne plaže, kjer se bomo vsi vpisali v tečaj surfanja, pa tudi po mestih se bomo sprehajali in šli na sladoled. Oh, nič boljšega!
Since our family loves to travel, this year we are going to Greece and its sunny beaches, where everyone will take a surfing course, and we’ll also go around the city and have ice cream. Oh, there’s nothing better!
No, na žalost počitnice niso neskončno dolge, zato se bom počasi že morala pripraviti na naslednje šolsko leto. Ampak to je še daleč, zelo daleč.