Housing Prices in Slovenia Continued to Rapid Rise in 2021

By , 25 Mar 2022, 14:19 PM Lifestyle
Housing Prices in Slovenia Continued to Rapid Rise in 2021 pxhere.com CC-by-0

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STA, 25 March - The prices of residential real estate jumped by 15.7% in 2021, which is the highest annual rise since 2007, when a 20.4% rise was recorded, the Statistics Office said on Friday. Up the most were the prices of new apartments, which increased by 20.2%.

The prices of second-hand apartments were 18% higher, the prices of second-hand houses went up by 11.9% and new family houses were 3.1% costlier.

The total value of all residential real estate sold last year was up by almost a third compared to 2020 to EUR 1.6 billion. A total of 13,440 houses and apartments were sold, which is about 16% more than the year before, when transactions were the lowest in the last seven years because of Covid-19.

In the last quarter of 2021, residential real estate prices were up by 4.6% compared to the previous quarter, with the prices of second-hand apartments going up by 5.3% and of used houses by 3.3%.

The prices of second-hand apartments went up the most in quarterly comparison in Maribor, by 6.8%, while in Ljubljana they increased by 4.5%.

New apartments and houses cost 12.9% more than in the third quarter, with the prices of new apartments rising by 4.9% and of new houses by 3%.

Transactions with houses and apartments in the last quarter totalled EUR 448 million, which is about 19% more than in the previous quarter and 36% more than in the final quarter of 2020. A total of 3,550 houses and apartments were sold or some 6% more than in the previous quarter and 15% more year on year.

A total of 3,500 second-hand apartments and houses were sold for EUR 430 million, which is up 17% in quarterly and 40% in annual comparisons.

In addition, 96 new houses and apartments were sold for some EUR 18 million, which is double the value of transactions in the previous quarter and down 20% compared to the final quarter of 2020.

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