Vreme Se Bo Umirilo Šele V Nedeljo
Written by Dr. Sonja Merljak Zdovc, translated by JL Flanner
Note - this article refers to last week's weather.
Da bi se bali vremena? Pha, kaj pa še! Če sije sonce, se zaščitimo s kremo. Če pada dež, uporabimo dežnik, saj nismo iz sladkorja!
Toda vreme žal nista le sonce in dež. Včasih so to ekstremni pojavi, ob katerih se ljudje počutimo nemočne.
Tako je bilo ves ta teden. Konec tedna smo še lahko uživali v zimski idili, potem je začel v noči na ponedeljek pihati močan veter. Prevračal je smetnjake in reklamne table, ruval drevesa, trgal električne drogove in odkrival strehe. Veliko ljudi se je znašlo v stiski.
Ker je veter odnesel tudi nekaj streh s šol, ponekod učenci niso imeli pouka.
Močan veter je k nam prinesel zrak iznad Atlantika. Postalo je topleje in začelo je deževati. Tisti, ki jim je veter odpihnil streho, so bili v nevarnosti, da jim dež zmoči stanovanje. Veliko padavin je napolnilo rečne struge in voda se je ponekod razlila tudi v stanovanja.
Nekateri kraji so bili zaradi plazov, ki jih je povzročil dež, odrezani od sveta. Marsikje so ostali brez elektrike. V Črni na Koroškem je zalilo šolske prostore in telovadnico. Na Prevaljah pa je umrl moški, ki je padel v deročo reko.
Razmere na Koroškem sta si ogledala tudi predsednika vlade in države. Oba sta se zahvalila prostovoljcem, ki pomagajo prizadetim.
Meteerologi za danes napovedujejo še več padavin. Ker naj bi ponehale šele jutri zjutraj, se mnogi še naprej bojijo poplav. V nedeljo pa si bomo le lahko oddahnili: prihodnji teden bo namreč jasno in hladno.
The Weather Will Only Calm Down on Sunday
Should we be afraid of the weather? Pfft, what else? If the sun shines, we protect ourselves with the cream. If rain falls, we use an umbrella, even though we are not made of sugar!
But unfortunately, the weather is not just sun and rain. Sometimes these are extreme phenomena that make people feel helpless.
That's how it was all this week. At the end of the week, we could still enjoy the winter idyll, and then a strong wind started blowing in the middle of the night. It overturned the bins and billboards, ripped through the trees, tore electric poles and uncovered roofs. Many people were in scared.
And because the wind also took some roofs from schools, in some places the students did not have classes.
The strong wind brought us air from over the Atlantic. It became warmer and began raining. The people whose roofer were blown away thus risked getting wet. The rain causes the rivers to overflow their banks, and some homes were flooded.
Some places were cut off from the world due to landslides caused by the rain. Many have lost electricity. In Črna na Koroškem a school and gym were flooded. In Prevalje, a man fell into a fast-flowing river and died.
The President and the Prime Minister visited Koroška (Slovenian Carinthia) to see the situation. Both thanked the volunteers who helped those affected.
Meteorologists predict more rainfall today. And because there will be more rain tomorrow morning, many are afraid of more floods. On Sunday, however, we can relax: the next week will be clear and cold.
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